It's Time to

Push for Midwives

#Pushformidwives by amplifying the push campaign goals!

Share the below messages that resonate with the challenges experienced by midwives, women and birthing people in your region.

More funding for midwives

The global shortage of 900,000 midwives is endangering the lives of women and newborns. Midwives have an enormous impact on improving health and preventing death — governments must invest in increasing this vital health workforce #PUSHForMidwives: @pushcampaignorg

Increased midwifery care would help:


Reduce the number of abortions from 40 to 25 million


Avert infant deaths due to HIV from 27,000 to 15,000


Increase access to contraception and modern family planning for the 220 million women who lack access to contraception

810 women

die each day from preventable pregnancy and childbirth related complications. Midwives, when resourced properly, could avert 67% of maternal deaths and 65% of stillbirths.

Improved education & training

To elevate women’s voices in leadership, midwives need more educational opportunities, clear pathways to promotion, and established positions in government #PUSHForMidwives: @pushcampaignorg

Increased midwifery care would help
Midwifery is a ‘best buy’ for MNH health, with more efficient use of resources and high standards of care than other forms of reproductive care. Investing in midwifery education and training results in a 16-fold return in lives saved and medical interventions avoided.

Investing in professionally educated and regulated midwives promotes the health and well-being of women, adolescents and newborns and puts safe and effective #SRMNAH care within the reach of more people.

Better pay & working conditions

Midwives are central to the fight for the rights of women, children & communities. All too often, they are deprived of their own rights: to rest & self-care, decent work & pay, & protection from discrimination. #PUSHForMidwives @pushcampaignorg

Over 1 in 3
midwives said they’ve been disrespected by senior medical staff.
of midwives have been discriminated against or treated badly.
82 Countries
Despite these numbers, only half of 164 countries providing data have policies to prevent attacks on midwives.

The gender pay gap is sky-high in healthcare, and midwives are unrepresented and undervalued even within health – despite enormous responsibilities, scope and risks.

Status, respect & autonomy

When midwives lead, women everywhere win. Including midwives in leadership puts women’s rights on the health agenda. #PUSHForMidwives: @pushcampaignorg


of countries surveyed reported ZERO midwives in leadership positions, and half have no midwife in the Ministry of Health. Midwives provide critical #SRHR and life-saving services, yet their voices are not being heard.

A Chief Midwife for every country...

…will help to ensure the needs of midwives and the women and newborns they care for are considered in policies impacting their status, health, and well-being.

Improved gender norms

Midwives accelerate the human rights agenda by ensuring a route to reproductive freedom for women. Simply put, investing in midwives is investing in a profession of gender equality advocates, & the rights of women at birth and beyond.

Midwives are everyday activists
Promote community-based models of care
Reach adolescents with SRHR services
Identify, prevent and provide services to survivors of gender-based violence and female genital cutting

#Midwives have the potential to bridge gaps in care and reduce disparities through their role in #reprohealth, communities, and providing culturally appropriate care. Learn more: @pushcampaignorg #PUSHForMidwives


Read more about the #PUSHCampaign in our Concept Note, linked below


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Join the global movement to strengthen the future of humanity by strengthening midwife-led care.

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